How to register on Hulusport – ሁሉስፖርት ላይ እንዴት መመዝገብ ይቻላል?
Steps to create Hulusport account
- Go to the website, and follow these steps:
- You will see <register> link on the front page of the website. Click on the link
- Put your name on the first box of the page
- Enter your phone number with (0912345678) format
- Set your password on the next space
- Confirm your password again
- Confirm you have read and agreed to terms and conditions of hulusport
- At last click on the <register> button below to finish your registration

ሁሉስፖርት ላይ እንዴት መመዝገብ ይቻላል?
- የሁሉስፖርትን ድረ-ገጽ ይክፈቱ
- ‹ይመዝገቡ› የሚል ሊንክ በፊት ገጽ ላይ ይገኛል, ሊንኩን ይጫኑ
- ስምዎትን ይሙሉ
- በቀጣይ ስልክ ቁጥርዎን ያስገቡ
- ፓስወርድዎን ይሙሉ
- ፓስወርድዎን በድጋሚ በማስገባት ያረጋግጡ
- በህግና ደንቦቹ ላይ መስማማትዎን ለማረጋገጥ ሳጥኑን ይጫኑ
- ከስር ‹ይመዝገቡ› የሚለውን ሊንክ ይጫኑ